Who We Are
MEIPN continues to deliver the high-quality, authentic Montessori teacher preparation courses first offered as the Seattle University Montessori Teacher Education Program in the 1970s. Dr. John Chattin-McNichols eventually separated the program from SU in the nineties to make it more affordable. In 2004, it became permanently located at Woodinville Montessori. The current faculty and staff remain committed to the legacy of Dr. Montessori. They also recognize contemporary American culture and the research on human learning and development. Our certification courses are AMS-affiliated and MACTE accredited. MEIPN is a nonprofit corporation, governed by a Board of Trustees.

Our administrators, core faculty, and field consultants are credentialed, highly trained Montessori teachers who are deeply committed to continuing the legacy of Maria Montessori.
Many of our instructors are currently practicing classroom teachers. All have years of teaching experience with both children and adults, in both independent and public school Montessori programs. See MEIPN Student Catalog for a list of MEIPN faculty.
“The real preparation for education is a study of one’s self. The training of the teacher...is something far more than a learning of ideas. It includes the training of character; it is a preparation of the spirit.” -Maria Montessori

MEIPN classes are held on the North Creek campus of Woodinville Montessori School in Bothell, Washington. This site allows our students to learn and practice in well-equipped Montessori classrooms, which serve children from eighteen months through high school. There is ample free parking and lovely opportunities to relax and walk along tree-lined trails.
MEIPN Location